NT: Minister Gigaba thanks DG Lungisa Fuzile for exemplary service to teh country

15th May 2017

NT: Minister Gigaba thanks DG Lungisa Fuzile for exemplary service to teh country

Outgoing National Treasury's DG Lungisa Fuzile
Photo by: Reuters

Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba wishes to extend his appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing Director-General Lungisa Fuzile for his service to the National Treasury and the country. Mr Fuzile completes his notice period as Director-General of National Treasury today, 15 May 2017. He has in the past month facilitated a successful and smooth handover to Minister Gigaba and Deputy Minister Sfiso Buthelezi.

Mr Fuzile joined the National Treasury in 1998 and quickly rose through the ranks before assuming the Director-General role in 2011. He was, among other notable achievements, instrumental in the introduction of the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP) to solve the capacity and institutional challenges faced by the provincial departments.

“Director-General Fuzile is a model public servant who has devoted 19 years to the service of our country. He leaves behind a legacy of a strong National Treasury that has a formidable team as well as a strong institutional framework that will carry forward the mandate of the department. As he departs today, we wish him all success in his future endeavours,” said Minister Gigaba.

Mr Dondo Mogajane, the Deputy Director-General responsible for the Public Finance division, has been appointed as the acting Director-General for the National Treasury. He joined the National Treasury in 1999 and he has worked in various areas including, among others, the Intergovernmental Relations, Provincial Budget Analysis and International Economic Relations divisions. Between 2007 and 2010, he represented South Africa at the Executive Board of the World Bank as senior advisor for Africa Group 1 countries.

Mr Mogajane was appointed as the Chief of Staff to Minister Pravin Gordhan in the Ministry of Finance between 2010 and May 2014. He acted as Chief Operating Officer of the National Treasury from 2014 until June 2015.

Mr Mogajane’s appointment is with effect from 16 May 2017 until the process of appointing a new Director General is completed. Minister Gigaba wishes Mr Mogajane good luck and assures him of his support in carrying out his duties and responsibilities.

Issued on National Treasury on behalf of the Ministry of Finance