Not every crime is a cybercrime – The dichotomy of cyber-enabled crimes and cybercrimes

8th September 2022

 Not every crime is a cybercrime – The dichotomy of cyber-enabled crimes and cybercrimes

The global adoption of digital technology is rapidly increasing, which increase has caused an evolution in criminal behaviour resulting in the increased occurrence of cyberattacks on businesses and individuals respectively.

The term cyber crime is used more and more often and indeed cybercrime has become the umbrella term used to describe two closely linked, but distinct ranges of criminal activity.

Most recently in South Africa and on or about 8 July 2022, two Nigerian nationals were sentenced to seven years behind bars after they cloned a law firm’s email accounts and stole over R11m from its clients.

But not all cybercrimes are the same! And this is very important to understand when one thinks about the newly enacted Cybercrimes Act, 19 of 2020 (Cybercrimes Act).

There is a general confusion and lack of understanding as to what exactly constitutes a cyber-enabled crime compared to a cyber-dependant crime and at the end of the day what is a cybercrime. A clear meaning as to what constitutes a cyber-enabled crime and cyber-dependant crime is vital as even small variations in the meaning could affect the measurement of and response to the crime.

What are cyber-enabled crimes? Cyber-enabled crimes are traditional crimes, which can be increased in their scale or reach by use of computers, computer networks or other forms of information communications technology (ICT). Unlike cyber-dependent crimes, they can be committed without the use of ICT.

Fraud and theft are the most common forms of cyber-enables crimes. There are numerous forms of cyber-enabled fraud for example online banking fraud, e-commerce fraud being fraudulent financial retail online sales, fraudulent sales through online auction or retail sites or through bogus websites advance fee scams such as the 4192, phishing scams are a particular kind of mass-marketing fraud: they refer specifically to the use of fraudulent emails disguised as legitimate emails that ask or ‘fish’ for personal for example, passwords or bank account details. And then the inheritance frauds, fake charity or disaster relief frauds, fake lotteries and pyramid schemes and ‘Online romance’ (or social networking/dating website) frauds.

The mere fact that these crimes occur using the internet as a tool during the crime for instance an email, does not make it is cybercrime in terms of the Cybercrime Act!

Cyber-dependent crimes fall broadly into two main categories –

Cyber-dependent crimes are committed for many different reasons by individuals, groups and even sovereign states. For example –

These, amongst others, are the crimes that are provided for in terms of the Cybercrimes Act.

Turning to the two Nigerian nationals who were sentenced to seven years imprisonment, it is understood that –

Education is of critical importance given the ever-increasing rate of and proliferation of cybercrimes. In the words of Barack Obama ­

“We design new defenses, and then hackers and criminals design new ways to penetrate them. Whether it’s phishing or botnets, spyware or malware, and now ransomware, these attacks are getting more and more sophisticated every day."

Written by Ahmore Burger-Smidt, Director & Dale Adams, Associate; Werksmans