NA Portfolio Committees elect chairpersons

10th July 2024

The newly established committees of the National Assembly (NA) elected chairpersons of some of the committees today. These committees are the engine rooms of Parliament where, among others, the work of the executive is scrutinised.

The elected chairpersons will play a key role in chairing and determining the agenda of meetings and organising the administrative affairs of a committee. They are also responsible for ensuring that committee decisions are compiled into a report and tabled in the respective House.
The role of committees includes oversight over the executive and promoting public involvement in law-making. Committee meetings are generally open to the public, where ordinary South Africans can express their opinions directly and, in this way, influence the outcome of Parliament's decisions.
Portfolio Committees
According to the NA Rules, the Speaker acting with the concurrence of the Rules Committee must establish a range of portfolio committees and determine a name for each committee. This was done last week. There are 30 portfolio committees. Each committee has both full members and several alternate members. The Speaker may also determine, with the concurrence of the Rules Committee, the size (number of members per party) of the portfolio committee. Political parties appoint the members that will represent them on a committee and advise the Speaker accordingly. Parties must appoint their members within five working days after the establishment of a committee by the House.
Only 16 of the 30 portfolio committees met to elect chairpersons today and the remaining 14 will convene their meetings tomorrow. The elected chairpersons are as follows: 

Portfolio Committee on Health – Dr Sibongiseni Dlhomo

Standing Committee on Finance – DrMkhacani Joseph Maswanganyi

Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Petroleum Resources - Mr Mikateko Mahlaule

Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation - Mr Supra Obakeng Mahumapelo

Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development- Mr Xola Nqola

Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour – Mr Boyce Maneli

Portfolio Committee on Public Administration- Mr Jan Naude De Villiers

Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation - Mr Leon Basson

Portfolio Committee on Communications and Technologies - Ms Khusela Sangoni

Portfolio Committee on Transport - Mr Selelo Selamolela

Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services - Ms Anthea Ramolobeng

Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and Environment - Ms Nqabisa Gantsho

Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans - Mr Dakota Legoete

Portfolio Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation - Ms Teliswa Mgweba

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education - Ms Khomotjo Joy Maimela

Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs - Mr Mosa Chabane


Issued by Parliament