Multi-stakeholder collaboration in action on Mandela Day

21st July 2023

In the spirit of Madiba, who stood for unity and working together, stakeholders from various spheres of government, together with civil society joined hands in a clean-up operation at the Oosterzee Train Station on Monday 18 July 2023 - Mandela Day.

This operation followed multiple onsite visits with stakeholders as well as a night patrol with the Oosterzee Neighborhood Watch and SAPS in order to fully realize the extent of the safety concerns plaguing the community.

The overgrown bushes and trees along the train tracks on land belonging to State Owned Entity (SOE) Transnet, camouflages opportunistic criminals who rob vulnerable citizens.

The victims are students who attend Settlers High School and Prestige Academy as well as hospital staff and visitors of Karl Bremer Public Hospital. Surrounding neighbours have also reported ongoing theft from their properties as the overgrown bushes make for a convenient hiding place, with a sincere concern for the overall safety of their families and fellow neighbour.

The operation was meant to include the removal and clearing of the overgrown bushes by Transnet. However, due to internal contactor delays, we were informed on the morning that it could not take place. This, however, did not damper the spirit of all who did show up and proceeded with the clean-up of refuse in that area.

We extend our gratitude to Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) officials led by George Kiewiets and Commander Kholiswa Kusasa; Transnet officials, Mr. Desmond from Settlers High School; representatives from the Oosterzee Neighbourhood Watch, JP Burger, Wilfred Starke, and Johann Steyl; City of Cape Town Ward Councilor, Roger Cannon; Members of Parliament, Brandon Golding, who participated in the cleanup.

The clean-up is but one step in a multi-step approach to ensuring public safety in the vicinity.
The commitment made by national government stakeholders, Transnet and PRASA, that the overgrown bushes will be cleared is a matter we will ensure comes to fruition.

The above demonstrates that through a whole of society approach, we can resolve and overcome challenges, not only on Mandela Day, but every day.


Issued by Alexandra Abrahams MP - DA Constituency Head, Tygerberg 1