Multi-party Charter Welcomes #Convergence4sa Civil Society Mobilisation

13th October 2023

The Multi-Party Charter welcomes the initiative taken by the conveners of #Convergence4SA, to gather a broad range of civil society organizations around one table to explore ways of cooperating and coordinating their efforts to mobilise voters to register and vote for change in the 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

We consider this to be an extremely encouraging development that we hope will spur more groups and organisations into united action. This and other such initiatives can help usher in a new era of accountable, capable and caring government in 2024.

The logic behind the #Convergence4SA initiative is exactly the logic behind our Multi-Party Charter. It is that only by uniting and working together can we replace the ANC with a new government next year, that can start to rebuild South Africa as a country of hope and progress for all. In forming our pre-election agreement, the Charter has offered voters a credible alternative with a realistic pathway to power.

By mobilizing and uniting civil society, #Convergence4SA strengthens this movement, showing voters that change is indeed within reach next year. We trust that #Convergence4SA and the organisations within it share our Charter’s vision, which is: A new government to build a just, inclusive and prosperous South Africa based on opportunity, freedom and security for all its citizens.

The Multi-Party Charter congratulates the conveners and extends a hand of goodwill to all those involved. We wish them all the very best and assure them of our full support in their crucial mission of uniting civil society to save South Africa.


Issued by the DA, IFP, FF Plus, ActionSA, ISANCO, UIM and SNP