MMC Sekwaila is concerned by the careless remarks made by some DA councillors about the suspension of load shedding in Johannesburg

15th May 2023

MMC Sekwaila is concerned by the careless remarks made by some DA councillors about the suspension of load shedding in Johannesburg

The MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services Cllr Jack Sekwaila has noted with concern the reckless statement by some DA councillors about the suspension of the loadshedding in Joburg. 

The DA claims it has made a request to City Power CEO to suspend loadshedding so that the entity could focus on maintenance, which was never granted. 

The decision to suspend loadshedding for the whole City is not one CEO can unilaterally grant. It will be granted by Eskom after engagement with the MMC and when that happen, it will be announced by the Office of the MMC. Loadshedding is an Eskom process implemented by Eskom due to their capacity constraints. 

The entity early this morning issued a statement about the suspension of loadshedding across the country, and not only within the City of Johannesburg. As a customer to Eskom, City Power communicated this suspension, which was few hours later reversed by Eskom with the implementation of Stage 3 loadshedding. 

Loadshedding is an emotive issue which should not be used by DA councillors against the residents. 

The City of Johannesburg is working on a plan to reduce the over reliance on Eskom and minimise the impact of loadshedding on our residents. Some of these plans will be announced by the City and City Power in the coming days. 

We call on the DA councillors to stop toying with such a sensitive issue as the current grueling blackouts which have impacted heavily on the lives of our residents. 


Issued by the Office of the MMC  Jack Sekwaila