Mineral Resources Portfolio Committee conducts public hearings

10th September 2013

The Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources will tomorrow conduct public hearings on the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill.
The Bill seeks to amend and remove ambiguities that exist in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 as amended by the Mineral Resources Development Amendment Act, 2008.
The Bill  provides for the regulation of associated minerals, partitioning of rights and enhance provisions relating to beneficiation of minerals; to promote national energy security; to streamline administrative processes; to align the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act with the Geoscience Act, 1993 as amended by the Geoscience Amendment Act, 2010. The Bill also seeks to provide for enhanced sanctions; to improve the regulatory system; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Details for the public hearings:

Date: 11-13 September 2013
Venue: Good Hope Chamber
Time: 09:30am
Issued by the Parliamentary Communications Services
 For media enquiries or interviews with the Chairperson, please contact:
Yoliswa Landu (Ms)
Parliamentary Communication Services
Tel: 021 403 8203
Cell: 073 738 0182
E-mail: ylandu@parliament.gov.za