Mineral Council South Africa expresses its condolences after the tragic incident at Burnstone Mine and re-affirms its commitment to zero harm

14th April 2023

The Minerals Council South Africa extends its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the four people who died and one person who was injured in an incident at the Burnstone mine, and it re-affirms its continued resolve to drive the journey to zero harm.

“The 34% reduction in fatalities we achieved in 2022 to the lowest number of fatalities ever shows we are able to make step changes in our quest for zero harm.

We will study the incident at Burnstone and take the lessons from it to ensure there is no repeat of this tragic event,” says Japie Fullard, chair of the Minerals Council CEO Zero Harm Forum.

From 2023, the Minerals Council’s Board has monthly meetings, which are open to all mining industry CEOs, to share their learnings on safety incidents and interventions as part of the industry’s aspiration of achieving zero harm.Before the Burnstone incident,the industry had recorded 11 fatalities by 11 April 2023 which compared to 13 deaths in the same period a year earlier.


Issued by The Minerals Council South Africa