MEC Desbo Mohono hands over livestock handling facilities to farming communities, 23 Mar

18th March 2022

MEC Desbo Mohono to hand over eleven (11) livestock handling facilities to the farming communities in the Bojanala Region

MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development in the North West Province will on Wednesday, 23 March 2022 hand over livestock handling facilities to eleven farming communities in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality.

This is another effort by the department to assist livestock farmers in the rural areas with the most necessary resource that would assist them to circumvent many challenges and provide ease management of livestock.Management practices such as artificial insemination, castration, inoculation, dehorning and weighing have increased a need for handling facilities in communities.

Rural Animals infrastructure is highlighted as one of the key value interventions in the National Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan.  Therefore, creating an enabling environment for farming will not only contribute to improvedhealth of theanimals but also to improved food security and creating more jobs through improved growth of livestock and more animal products becoming available to beneficiaries in terms of meat and milk.

Members of the media are therefore invited to cover this important event which is scheduled to take place as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Time: 10h00
Venue: Reitspruit Farm, Bojanala Platinum District

Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
E-mail: sends e-mail)


North West

Event Category: 

Government activities

Issued by: 

North West Agriculture and Rural Development