Mavuso says incoming Ministers must have integrity, competency

24th June 2024 By: Marleny Arnoldi - Deputy Editor Online

Mavuso says incoming Ministers must have integrity, competency

BLSA CEO Busi Mavuso

Re-elected President Cyril Ramaphosa’s promise to build a government that is “capable and honest” will depend on new Ministers being able to put party politics aside and focus on getting the job done, says Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) CEO Busi Mavuso.

In her latest weekly newsletter, she says there will be a difficult balance to strike between the competitive nature of democratic politics and the need for people to work together to deliver.

Her newsletter comes as negotiations are ongoing between political parties that are joining the government of national unity on who will join the Cabinet and what portfolios they would lead.

Once Cabinet members are appointed, Mavuso hopes they will advance and implement work that has already been started, adding that no wheels need to be reinvented.

Mavuso previously praised the maturity with which the African National Congress and most other political parties accepted the results of the national elections, saying that the same maturity needs to work its way through into the new administration and the way parties get down to work.

“One of the agendas of the previous administration has been the professionalisation of the civil service, of drawing a sharp line between party politics and the job of delivering to the public. That professionalism needs to start at the top – we need Ministers who take the job of delivering seriously,” Mavuso states.

She adds that the incoming Ministers must be able to back the directors general and other senior leadership to be effective in running departments. “We must ensure the best men and women emerge to govern us – from the Cabinet down.”

Moreover, Mavuso implores the individuals taking on new portfolios to not continue in the same vein of cadre deployment, rather appointing people who are committed to delivering.

She highlights integrity as a central aspect that should be present in parties’ decisions over who should represent them.

“We risk a great deal if members of Parliament are exposed for failing to put the interests of the country and all its people first. That will be particularly true of those who are appointed to Cabinet.”

Mavuso points out that BLSA had a good relationship with the last administration and expects the new administration to continue working with the private sector to achieve success.