Limpopo DAWN wants answers on provincial sexual offences backlog in courts

20th June 2022

Limpopo DAWN wants answers on provincial sexual offences backlog in courts

Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Ronald Lamola

The Democratic Alliance will be submitting questions to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, Ronald Lamola, on the backlog of sexual offences cases in Limpopo’s courts.

Our increased concern around these backlogs follows the 6.7% increase in sexual offences in the province as indicated in the crime statistics for the 4th quarter of 2021/2022.

Between January 2022 and March 2022, Limpopo recorded 1 084 sexual offences – this is an average of 12 rapes, attempted rapes or sexual assaults daily.

Limpopo has three police stations in the top 30 stations with the highest incidents of sexual offences. At all 3 stations there were spikes in reported sexual offences:

These increases in sexual offences not only place severe strain on the family violence, child protection and sexual offences units (FCS), which remain critically under resourced, but also adds additional pressure on the court rolls.

The DA however believes that it is the victims who are suffering the most through the systemic challenges and backlogs within the judicial system.

In May 2022, Minister Lamola indicated that nationally only 19% of sexual offences cases were moving through the system.

The remaining 15 605 cases or 81% were backlogged; a massive increase from the 52% backlog in March 2021.

There is a real concern that victims who were brave enough to report cases, will eventually throw in the towel and withdraw cases or just stop attending court appearances where cases are just being postponed.

The DA believes that the justice system is failing the vulnerable and marginalised, particularly women and children.

Urgent intervention is required to ensure that these cases are expedited so that victims can find closure and those who are found guilty be place behind bars.


Issued by Desiree van der Walt MP - DAWN Limpopo Chairperson