Khayelitsha residents receive title deeds

20th October 2020 By: Yvonne Silaule - Contributor

Khayelitsha residents receive title deeds

Eighteen Khayelitsha residents have received title deeds as part of the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements’ Title Deed Restoration Grant programme.

Western Cape Human Settlements Minister Tertius Simmers handed over the title deeds to residents on Monday as part of the department’s strategic goal of prioritising the elderly for security of tenure in the Western Cape.  

“It was a privilege to share this occasion with our beneficiaries. Knowing they have full ownership of their homes gives our people a sense of security and pride. This once again demonstrates how caring the Western Cape government is and its continued commitment to restoring our people’s dignity,” said Simmers.

Two-hundred and fifty title deeds have been given out since the beginning of the year, however, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a delay.

The programme will now continue in full, especially since this is the final year in which the Title Deed Restoration Grant is guaranteed. 

“As the Western Cape government we will continue striving towards establishing an enabling environment, so that we are better placed to grant beneficiaries security of tenure and make more residents legal homeowners by handing over these title deeds,” Simmers said.