Joburg Multi-Party Government strengthens its fight against corruption with Financial Misconduct Board and passes historical budget

29th May 2022

Joburg Multi-Party Government strengthens its fight against corruption with Financial Misconduct Board and passes historical budget

City of Johannesburg executive mayor Mpho Phalatse

The Johannesburg Multi-Party Government is motivated by the decision of Council, on Friday, 27 May 2022, to adopt a report of the Mayoral Committee to strengthen the fight against corruption and the theft of City resources by renaming and reconstituting the Disciplinary Board as the Financial Misconduct Board (FMB).

This deliberate action recognises the shortcomings of the now former Disciplinary Board to fight and eradicate nefarious acts by City Officials, and eliminates the confusion between the FMB and other disciplinary structures within the City.

The new structure will strengthen our fight against corruption as the new structure delegates certain powers to the Executive Mayor, Mayoral Committee, and the City Manger in order to improve the implementation and functionality of the Board. The delegated authority of the Executive Mayor and Mayoral Committee will enable them to appoint members of the FMB.

In order to ensure its independence, at least three of the five members of the FMB will be external appointments. The appointment process will be an open one, where adverts will go out for the public to apply, this is similar to the appointment process of members of other advisory committees, for example the Group Audit Committee.

At Friday’s Council sitting, the Multi-Party Government also confidently passed its R77-billion 2022/23 Budget for the City and its residents. In this regard, I would like to thank MMC for Finance, Cllr Julie Suddaby.

The Budget is practical, inclusive, yet generous where it matters most to our more than 6-million residents.

The focus of the Budget is about ensuring that we have a foundation upon which we can build our City of Golden Opportunities. This means focusing on what is broken. Hence, the Budget is called the Golden Repair.

In order to sustain economic activity and protect livelihoods, City Power had been allocated a capital budget of R1,2-billion to refurbish and upgrade the City’s energy infrastructure. This follows from the Joburg Energy Indaba, where we committed to making sure our infrastructure can support the onboarding of independent power producers (IPPs).

Equally, Joburg Water has been allocated a capital budget of R795-million to maintain its infrastructure 

The Golden Repair budget is about rebuilding the City and ensuring that residents get value for money and benefit from service delivery programmes:

These are but a few of the projects the Multi-Party Government will roll out over the next financial year.

We will also be reviewing all our unfunded mandates to ensure that the City is devoting resources to its core mandates and infrastructure upgrades; and where we are spending money on National and Provincial competencies, we will be requesting the necessary funding from National Treasury. 

The Multi-Party Government is committed to working with and for all residents to restore Joburg’s golden shine.


Issued by City of Johannesburg executive mayor Mpho Phalatse