Jobs gained but a drop in the ocean, with millions of workers still unemployed

29th November 2022

Jobs gained but a drop in the ocean, with millions of workers still unemployed

Photo by: Reuters

While it is pleasing to see the official unemployment rate decrease by 1.0%, UASA views it as but a drop in the ocean. Stats SA’s Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) reported the lowest jobless rate since the first quarter of 2021 today, with 204 000 jobs gained in the third quarter of the year.

This brings the unemployment rate to 32.9%, translating into approximately 7.7 million workers still seeking employment.

Last week was a nightmare for workers who had no choice but to further adjust their battered budgets as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and interest rates continued to rise. 

The youth unemployment rate is crushing. Government has repeatedly failed our 4.6 million unemployed young workers. Thousands of young people graduate from higher institutions of learning and TVET colleges each year, but unemployment remains unaddressed with no actionable plans in sight.

Calling on government is clearly a waste of time. For the young, it’s now each to their own or nothing. They either aggressively demand and secure jobs, start their own businesses or stay behind and slumber in poverty forever.

UASA takes note of the industries that recorded the largest job gains: Manufacturing (123 000), trade (82 000), construction (46 000) and transport (33 000). The formal and informal sectors recorded job increases of 235 000 and 6 000, respectively. We hope these industries manage to continue this trend in the new year.

UASA encourages job seekers not to give up. Keep on trying, giving it your best until you land that job. Let’s all work together to bring our economy back to life by creating opportunities for ourselves and others to follow.


Issued by UASA spokesperson Abigail Moyo