Inxuba Yethemba needs urgent water supply plan

7th December 2022

The Chris Hani District Municipality (CHDM) must urgently deliver a festive season water supply plan to Cradock and Middelburg residents in order for local businesses to be able to tend to the needs of locals, tourists and to prevent further harm to the local economy.

The CHDM is responsible for the provision of water to the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality (Cradock and Middelburg) but has failed dismally to deliver on this mandate.

Recently extended water outages and water-rotation meant that thousands of Cradock residents had to endure living without the provision of sustainable potable water.

Water outages also pose a high-risk in the event that a fire needs to be contained.

I have written to the CHDM municipal manager requesting that he delivers a written crisis management festive season water supply plan for the period December 2022 to February 2023 within the next five working days.

The plan must include the following:

The call centre must be fully operational 24/7 and contact information must be widely communicated to the public.

Contact information of local on duty standby staff and their functions must be provided.

Water purification staff on duty and the resources available to them.

Availability of diesel to run generators during loadshedding.

All pumps, generators and electrical connections to be serviced before the onset of the festive season recess.

I have also requested feedback on the possibility of allowing the private sector to assist with emergency repairs of water infrastructure to prevent any damage to the already struggling economy.

On Friday, 9 December 2022, we will also be hosting water pickets in Cradock and Middelburg to personally deliver a letter to CHDM officials.

The CHDM must put a plan in place to ensure a reliable and sustainable water supply. We will not stand by while our local economy is being destroyed and our people are deprived of their basic human right to water.


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