IFP Youth Brigade Stance on GNU & GPU

25th June 2024

The Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade (IFPYB) welcomes the initiatives to form an inclusive government at the national and provincial levels in South Africa (RSA) post the May 2024 elections. 

These efforts can only be viewed as a response to the voters' call for a multiparty state, reflective of the country’s demographics in these two spheres of government.

The Province of KwaZulu-Natal stands as an exemplary model for having timely formulated the Government of Provincial Unity (GPU), electing the speaker, deputy speaker, and premier of the province from different political homes. 

Premier Hon. Thami Ntuli has already announced his cabinet, which comprises members from most political parties represented in the legislature. The responsibility of service delivery now truly lies with the new government, as it commences its functions and renders the much-needed services to the people of the province.

In the midst of misinformation and propaganda deliberately promoted by those who seek to hold the government to ransom, under the false pretense of a progressive caucus, pretending to hold dearly the views of the majority, the IFPYB expresses its full support for the party’s decision to join the Government of National Unity (GNU). 

The IFPYB views this decision as a sober, patriotic, and selfless act by the IFP, that can only yield positive results for the millions of diverse citizens of our country.

As discussions to formulate the executive structures of government continue, the IFP Youth Brigade calls for proportional representation of young and vibrant leaders in these structures. The IFPYB believes that meaningful change to the status quo of the youth in our country cannot occur without the involvement of the youth itself. The IFPYB stands ready to contribute positively to solutions addressing high youth unemployment, access to land for business usage, provision of quality basic and tertiary education, proper healthcare, reduction of crime, corruption, loadshedding, and gender-based violence. 

Ours is not a call for glamorous deputy minister positions with no clear mandate but a call for a chance to shape the future that we shall own.

We call for the commissioning of a full-scale land audit to determine land ownership, starting with reallocating all unused land in the hands of the state. 

This goes together with the call for a policy enabling land expropriation with reasonable compensation. We advocate for the implementation of free basic education and state-sponsored higher education for poor and low-income families. 

We call for the replacement of Life Orientation with compulsory financial and entrepreneurial literacy training and portable skills training modules in the school curriculum. Strict regulations should be enforced to prevent unsafe conditions like overcrowding. Investment in in-service teacher training, support and development programs, and the reopening of closed teacher training colleges is essential. 

Political interference in education operations and teacher appointments should be minimized. 

We propose the rollout of an unemployed graduate grant of R3,000 for a fixed period to assist graduates in finding meaningful employment. 

Additionally, revitalizing Ithala Bank to ensure it becomes fully functional and a model of a State Bank will help uplift poor communities.

Lastly, the IFP Youth Brigade wishes to lobby all sober-minded young leaders in South Africa to rally towards building a state for themselves to inherit. 

We call for the complete nullification of keyboard warriors creating social anxiety with false statements and intangible facts. 

These individuals, pretending to be political prophets, are a danger to democracy and a deadly risk to a stable society where everyone can thrive and live together in harmony. 

Issued by IFP Youth Brigade National Chairperson Zondo SS