IFP: Statement by Peter Smith, IFP Spokesperson on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, calls for an urgent investigation into the abuse of state resources by the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro municipality (19/11/2013)

19th November 2013

The IFP calls  for an urgent investigation into the abuse of state resources by the
Nelson Mandela Bay Metro municipality, which has spent R300 000 on ANC
branded merchandise, including t-shirts, election posters and placards.

IFP spokesperson on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, MP Peter
Smith said “The municipality has a poor record of service delivery, with
some residents, like those in Peace Village in KwaNobuhle, living with
sewage pollution which the municipality has failed to fix it. If it was
another political party, the ANC would have called for an investigation and
called for the removal of those involved, but because it is an ANC led
municipality they just turn a blind eye”

This constitutes a direct looting of the municipality’s resources by the

Smith further stated that “There is a clear violation of the Municipal
Finance Management Act and other municipal laws. We cannot sit back and
watch as ANC led municipalities are using state funds allocated for service
delivery to fund ANC activities. In addition, the investigation should also
be extended to the Makhuduthamaga municipality in Limpopo, where there are
claims that payments of more than R200 000 were made into an ANC bank
account by the municipality”

The IFP calls on the Auditor-General to launch an investigation into these
claims, in Nelson Mandela Bay Metro Municipality and Makhuduthamaga