IEC ready to tackle upcoming elections

2nd May 2019 By: African News Agency

 IEC ready to tackle upcoming elections

With less than a week to go before election day, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) confirmed on Thursday that everything is in place and ready for South Africa’s sixth national and provincial elections.

The commission said final preparations will be made over the coming weekend for the opening of the country's 22 924 voting stations.

"This includes the securing of keys and access to voting station venues and the pitching of 1 059 tents where no suitable permanent structures are available," said IEC Commissioner Janet Love

Love said there are over 60-million ballot papers for the national and nine provincial elections, almost 300 000 ballot boxes, nearly 45 000 voting compartments, about 25 000 voting station arrow signs and 56 255 stationery packs.

"The materials will be escorted by South African Police Service officers and other security personnel to ensure safe delivery to voting stations."

Special votes will take place on 6 and 7 May with voting stations opening at 9am until 5pm.

On election day, 8 May, voting stations will open from 7am until 9pm, but all voters who are in the queue by that time will be allowed to vote which will enable the 26.7-million registered voters to cast their ballots.

The IEC said voting stations will be staffed by almost 189 election officials who have been trained over the past two months to conduct elections.

On the possibilities of load-shedding, the IEC said Eskom has assured them there will be enough capacity to provide power supply.

The IEC said it also has contingency plans in place should the lights go out.