Glencore: Glencore hands over R75 million school in Mpumalanga

12th June 2015

Glencore: Glencore hands over R75 million school in Mpumalanga

Angie Motshekga

Glencore today (12 June 2015) handed over a new state-of-the-art school to the Department of Basic Education in Phola near Ogies, Mpumalanga.
The Makause Combined School, built at a cost of R75 million, is part of a major relocation project linked to Glencore’s Tweefontein Optimisation Project. The project represents a R8 billion investment by Glencore, with 780 full time employees that produces 8 million tonnes of saleable coal per year. During construction, the project created over 2600 jobs and a number of business opportunities for local entrepreneurs through local procurement.

The school is part of Glencore’s Social Labour Plan (SLP) commitment to the Department of Mineral Resources.
The project also includes a housing development initiative in Phola, completed at an additional cost of R70 million. The housing will accommodate around 120 relocated families.
Amongst other facilities, the school, which caters for pre-primary, primary and secondary grades, consists of 32 classrooms, science laboratories, a home economics facility, wood and metal workshops, library, computer center and a school hall that accommodates 1200 pupils.

Glencore SA Coal CEO, Clinton Ephron, commented:
“We are proud to handover this state-of-the-art school to the Department of Basic Education. The Makause School is a demonstration of our commitment to South Africa and the local communities where we operate. A good education helps to provide a strong foundation for children to achieve their potential. This school was built to ensure that the children of Phola have access to the best possible educational facilities, helping them to become South Africa’s champions of tomorrow.”

Minister of Basic Education, Mrs. Angie Motshekga: "This state of the art infrastructure is an asset to this community that will truly go a long way in changing the lives of these learners. An investment in education of this magnitude demonstrates the commitment of Glencore to the future of the country. It is only when we come together as government, business, civil society and ordinary citizens that we can we truly break the barriers of inequality.

The department is doing much work around infrastructure to restore dignity to education, but the dire need outweighs the department’s ability to meet the challenge alone. It is through committed partnerships with the private sector that we are able to make the breakthroughs needed to change the infrastructure backlogs in our schools. For children to excel, they need a conducive and inspiring environment and this state of the art school will be a beacon of hope for this entire community. We are confident this school will produce the further innovators needed to take South Africa to the next level and fuel economic development."


Issued by Glencore