GCIS: Ministry rejects misleading reports on Minister's private office

14th August 2017

GCIS: Ministry rejects misleading reports on Minister's private office

Public service and Administration Minister Faith Muthambi
Photo by: GCIS

The Ministry for the Public Service and Administration rejects reports that Minister Faith Muthambi has employed relatives in her Private Office. 

The Ministry would like to put it on record that "None of the Support Staff mentioned in the Sunday Times story are friends nor relatives of the Minister."

The Ministry is dismayed at this misleading reports and wants to further state that "it is incorrect to suggest that the  Minister is not following Public Service prescripts with regard to appointment of support staff in the Ministry as in accordance with Section 9 of the Public Service Act, 1994 read with Regulation 66 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 the Minister may appoint persons in posts in the Ministry without following advertisement processes provided that such appointments are either linked to the term of the Minister or for a period not exceeding 3 years. 

In addition the Minister is permitted, in terms of Regulation 57(2) of the Public Service Regulations, to appoint persons additional to the establishment.  Appointments additional to the establishment are not required to be done through advertisement processes."

The Ministry finds the reports regrettable and believes that they are intended to tarnish the image of the Minister and her office.

Issued by GCIS on behalf of the Ministry of Public Service and Administration