Fraud suspects arraign in court

23rd February 2022

Three suspects accused of using Housing MMC Mlungisi Mabaso’s face to solicit money in exchange of RDP houses appeared in the Hillbrow Magistrates Court yesterday, charged with fraud.

The three men – Tokolli Sedibe, 29 Thulani Daniel Katjedi, 29 and Ronny Bushy Magabe, 35 – allegedly created fake social media accounts in Cllr Mabaso’s name as a plot to dupe unsuspecting residents who want RDP houses in Joburg.

They were apprehended in Limpopo last week and found in possession of items depicting Mabaso’s face.

Sedibe has been released on R5 000 rand bail while Katjedi and Magabe have been remanded in custody until Tuesday, 1 March 2022 for a formal bail application.

MMC Mabaso is hopeful justice will prevail.

"No one who is above the law. Criminals can run, but they can’t hide", he said, adding that the City will afford law enforcement authorities time and space to do their work.

In the past months, the City’s housing department, particularly MMC Mabaso’s name, has been fraudulently used in posters on social media, with people claiming to offer RDP houses in exchange for cash at its offices at 222 Smit Street in Braamfontein.

In the latest incident, a fake Facebook account has been created with the name: "Department of Johannesburg housing metropolitan"

The fake account calls on people to contact a particular Mr Richard Ndimande, who is masquerading as a councillor in the City, with two cell numbers provided as contact details.

"We want to warn the perpetrators that law enforcement agencies are working around the clock to bring them to book, and they will face the full might of the law," says Cllr Mabaso.

The MMC urges the public to refrain from partaking in financial transactions with strangers posing as officials of the City’s Housing Department.

RDP houses are not for sale, nor is payment required to be on the City’s waiting list.


Issued by Office of the MMC for Housing in Gauteng