Final marketing, advertising and communications (MAC) sector code published

7th April 2016

Final marketing, advertising and communications (MAC) sector code published

The final MAC sector code, which applies to advertising, public relations and communications companies in all media including digital platforms, was published in the Government Gazette on 1 April 2016. This follows the publication of the draft MAC sector code on 4 September 2015 for public comment. The MAC sector code comes into effect from the date of publication – in other words, there is no transitional period.

The key features of the MAC sector code are as follows:

  1. The target for exercisable voting rights and economic interest in the hands of black people is 40%, increasing to 45% by 31 March 2018, compared with 25% under the general Codes; and
  2. The target for exercisable voting rights and economic interest in the hands of black women is 20%, increasing to 30% by 31 March 2018, compared with 10% under the general Codes.

A copy of the MAC sector code can be accessed here.


Submitted by Bowman Gilfillan