#FeesMustFall stand-off at TUT in Pretoria

13th October 2016 By: African News Agency

#FeesMustFall stand-off at TUT in Pretoria

There was a tense stand-off between protesting Tshwane University of Technology [TUT] students and police officers at the institution’s main campus in Pretoria west on Thursday morning.

Protesting students were throwing stones from university residences at dozens of police officers stationed near the campus.

The students had set several items, including a security control room at the residence, on fire. Several items were also burning at the entrances, blocking police vehicles from moving in.

Before midday, police officers stood in a formation with campus security, seemingly preparing to raid the residences.

Several campuses around the country have experienced violence and unrest since higher education minister Blade Nzimande’s announcement on September 19, that universities should decide on their own fee increases for the 2017 academic year.

Nzimande placed a cap of eight percent on the increases and said they should be transparent and inflation-linked, although poor and the socalled “missing middle” would be exempt from fee increases.