Eskom: Press Ombudsman issues stern rebuke to Financial Mail on Eskom

26th April 2017

Eskom: Press Ombudsman issues stern rebuke to Financial Mail on Eskom

The Press Ombudsman has reprimanded the Financial Mail for its Dentons reports which brazenly veered off the SA Code of Ethics and Conduct, resulting in Eskom being cast in a negative light.

The magazine was found to have committed Tier 2 violations which are serious violations journalistically according to the Code.

Echoing the ruling, Eskom’s Acting Head of Legal, Suzanne Daniels decried the poor journalistic standards demonstrated by the Financial Mail. “Our democracy deserves proper media so as to make the correct strides to maturity. At Eskom, we have become the main victims for appalling journalism,” she said.

The Press Ombudsman, Johan Retief, has ordered the Financial Mail to publish the reprimands as follows:

Retief added that the headline should properly reflect the content of the text. “A headline such as ‘Matter of Fact’, or something similar, is not acceptable,” he said.

The Financial Mail was reprimanded:

“It is curious that this verdict stems from the coverage which was generated from the Dentons report; a report which resulted in major negativity for Eskom. As stated before, Financial Mail departed the acceptable journalistic standards to cause major harm to the name of Eskom,” explained Daniels.

In his stinging rebuke of the magazine, Retief stated: “News shall be presented in context and in a balanced manner, without any intentional or negligent departure from the facts whether by…material omissions…The media shall take care to report news…accurately….”

Daniels said: “We value the sanctity of our democratic principles, which include the freedom of the media. And we will continue to work jointly with responsible media. Equally, Eskom will continue to challenge malicious reports without fail.”


Issued by Eskom