EFF: EFF statement on the break-in of our Treasurer General's car

5th April 2017

EFF: EFF statement on the break-in of our Treasurer General's car

The EFF Treasurer General, commissar Leigh-Ann Mathys' car was broken into last night in Johannesburg, whilst parked by corner Bolton and Jan Smutz in Parkwood. The thugs broke into her boot and took EFF files and laptop which contains sensitive financial information of the organisation.

The thugs were driving a grey Ford ST ( CJ 66 KGG GP) and they stopped next to her car, broke into the boot and ceased EFF organisational property, including her personal belongings. The case was opened with the Rosebank Police Station.

We call on South Africans to identify these thugs and report to the EFF or the police so that we can recover the organisational property and that of the commissar.


Issued by EFF