EFF calls for meaningful dialogue in Kenya amid tax protests

26th June 2024 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

EFF calls for meaningful dialogue in Kenya amid tax protests

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) on Wednesday called on Kenyan President William Ruto to immediately cease the violent suppression of protesters and engage in meaningful dialogue with Kenyan citizens.

This after protestors marched on Kenya’s Parliament against new tax hikes and police officers escalated tensions by firing live rounds into crowds, leading to the deaths of 23 people and injuring more than 30 people.

The party also wants Ruto to withdraw the military and police from the streets, saying the voices of the people must be heard and respected, not silenced through bloodshed and intimidation.

The EFF noted that instead of de-escalating the conflict, the Kenyan government chose to exacerbate it by deploying police and had also chosen to deploy the army under “the guise of addressing a security emergency.”

The party strongly condemned the brutal actions of the Kenyan police stating that the use of live ammunition on unarmed citizens was unacceptable and a blatant violation of human rights.

The EFF highlighted that Ruto’s statements labelling some of protestors as criminals and threatening to counter the violence and anarchy demonstrated showed a profound disregard for the legitimate grievance of the Kenyan people.

“This oppressive response highlights the President’s willingness to resort to deadly force to push through his Finance Bill, which clearly serves the interests of Western powers at the expense of his own citizens,” said the EFF.

The party noted that it stood in solidarity with the Kenyans in their struggle against “oppressive governance and economic exploitation,” saying it will continue to advocate for justice, peace and the fundamental rights of all African people.

The EFF wants those responsible for “the heinous acts” to be held accountable and that all detained protestors be released without delay.