dti: The dti host Liquor Amendment Bill Indaba in Gauteng

17th November 2016

dti: The dti host Liquor Amendment Bill Indaba in Gauteng

Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies
Photo by: Duane

The Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) will host the Liquor Amendment Bill Indaba on Monday, 21 November 2016 in Kempton Park, Gauteng. The Indaba will serve as a platform to engage key stakeholders on the Bill that the dti is currently consulting members of the public on. It will also focus on the social and health impact of liquor abuse. 

According to the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, the Indaba will further extend the public engagement on issues raised in the Bill as they have an important impact and role in the liquor industry in particular and society in general.

“There’s a need to further discuss the socio-economic impact of liquor, the slow pace of transformation, the issuance of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment level of compliance, standardisation of key aspects of regulation and improved regulatory collaboration that is covered in the Liquor Amendment Bill,” says Davies.

He adds that the amendment Bill will provide for the repositioning of the National Liquor Authority as the regulator and also provide for the establishment of an internal review mechanism.

The National Liquor Amendment Bill 2016, was published on 30 September 2016, Gazette No. 40319 for broader public consultation where interested parties are required to submit written comments within 30 calendar days from the date of publication. The commentary period has been extended to 30 November 2016.


Issued by Department of Trade and Industry