DHS: Human Settlements economically empowers military veterans

3rd May 2017

DHS: Human Settlements economically empowers military veterans

Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu
Photo by: Duane

Minister of Human Settlements Lindiwe Sisulu declared no military veterans housing project will be implemented without the allocation of certain percentage of the work to Military Veterans companies.

“We have established a Task Team to look at issues of Military Veterans and some of the things we are dealing with is to ensure that  Military Veterans  economically  benefit in the  building of their houses, hence we are allocating the 30% of the  budget in these big projects”, said Minister Sisulu.

“We are also prioritising the families of cadres who are no longer living and the non- statutory formations, these are the fighters who did not get any income when they were active, these are the people who can’t get a job and cannot as well  build a house for themselves”, added Minister Sisulu.

Minister Sisulu was speaking at the Military Veterans Dialogue held today at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg  to discuss among other matters the need to speed up the delivery of Military Veterans Human Settlements programme and capacitating the Veterans with economic opportunities in the industry.

Military Veterans raised issues ranging from the illegal sales of houses, the illegal occupation of land and houses, the size of their houses, lack of economic opportunities and access to different benefits enjoyed by veterans.

Deputy Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Kebby  Maphatsoe stated that the Human Settlements programme  is being delayed by the incorrect beneficiary lists.

“The lists you submit must be cleaned up, all formations should verify the beneficiary information with SAMVA, some projects have stalled as a result of these unreliable lists”, said Deputy Minister Maphatsoe.

“Freedom fighters must also make sure that they prioritise the Military Veterans in dire need of assistance”, added Deputy Minister Maphatsoe.

There are approximately 5000 Military Veterans in need of decent shelter South Africa and the programme is designed to improve the housing conditions of Veterans, offer them security of tenure, and contribute towards building an inclusive community with improved economic conditions and social security.

Gauteng MEC for Community Safety Sizakele Malobane- Nkosi emphasized that government must honour Military Veterans for the sacrifices in delivering a free South Africa.  “Their sweat and blood has given us the freedom we all enjoy today.  The Gauteng Provincial Government has prioritised the Military Veterans programme by placing in the Office of the Premier”, said MEC Malobane- Nkosi.

The National Secretary – General of SAMVA, Mr Tseliso Phaka encouraged Military Veterans to participate fully participate in the Dialogue   “It is your chance to talk to the officials and politicians, to make them understand your pain and frustrations” said, Phaka. 


Issued by the Department of Human Settlements