Despite arrests, Malawian activists vow to march to State House

10th March 2020 By: African News Agency

 Despite arrests, Malawian activists vow to march to State House

Malawian president Peter Mutharika
Photo by: Reuters

Human rights activists in Malawi, under the Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) insist they are not deterred by the arrest of two of their leaders and will carry out a planned march to State House, local media reported. 

Online publication Nyasa Times reported that the activists were still planning to “shut down” state residences on March 25, in a bid to pressurize President Peter Mutharika into firing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) commissioners and assent to electoral bills recently passed in Parliament. 

The non-governmental organization also wants Mutharika to appoint a new commission to manage upcoming presidential elections. 

On Monday, Malawi24 reported that the police were tracking down HRDC leader Timothy Mtambo over the planned protest.

The online publication said the police had obtained a warrant of arrest for Mtambo, HRDC vice chairperson Gift Trapence and member Macdonald Sembereka. Trapence and Sembereka were arrested on Sunday night in Lilongwe.

"The three suspects will be brought before the court of law to be dealt with in accordance with the law," national police spokesperson James Kadadzera told Malawi24.

The three allegedly incited people to occupy all state residences during a media briefing in Lilongwe on March 6.

They allegedly called upon residents to occupy State house on March 25, in a push for Mutharika to sign the electoral reform bills passed by Parliament last month.

Kadadzera told the publication that the activists were fully aware that the Police Act prohibits any demonstrations or assemblies within 100 meters from state residences unless permitted by the president.