Deputy Minister Reginah Makhotso Sotyu hosts stakeholder engagement at Buffelsnek Forestry village in Knysna, 9 Jun

8th June 2023

 The Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Makhotso Sotyu will be hosting a stakeholder engagement at the Buffelsnek Forestry Village, on Friday, 9 June 2023, in Knysna.
Deputy Minister Sotyu and officials from the department will engage the community of Buffelsnek village on service delivery issues, such as, water and sanitation, electricity infrastructure and housing, amongst others.
The department has also had several engagements with various government institutions to discuss on how they can work together in order to resolve the challenges, that are affecting not only the Buffelsnek village, but all forestry villages located in various municipal areas.
The Buffelsnek forestry village was established to accommodate forestry workers who had to travel long distances from their residential areas to work in the Buffelsnek plantation. The village has over time, become a permanent home for generations of families with links to the plantation.
Members of the media are invited to cover the Ministerial stakeholder engagement:

Date: Friday, 9 June 2023
Venue: Buffelsnek Forestry Village Community Hall
Time: 09:00

To RSVP please contact, Merle van Diemel on 083 301 9400 /

For media queries contact Mr Peter Mbelengwa on 082 611 8197