Democratic Alliance’s pickpocketed and fabricated documents exonerates MEC Siboniso Duma and all categories of staff in the department and our entities.

17th October 2023

Democratic Alliance’s pickpocketed and fabricated documents exonerates MEC Siboniso Duma and all categories of staff in the department and our entities.

KZN Leader of Business and MEC for EDTEA Siboniso Duma

As guided by our policy on the spirit of working together with elected public representatives inside and outside the legislature, today we attended a Press Briefing convened by the Democratic Alliance.

We had hoped that in the press briefing, DA leaders were going to present evidence to back up allegations contained in the media alert which was sent to journalists.

Embarrassingly, both DA leaders Francois Rogers and Heinz De Boer admitted on camera that their press briefing was around allegations based on documents that were pickpocketed and fabricated.

When probed by journalists, they boldly admitted that there were no irregularities around  procurement processes associated with the South African Music Awards.

They further admitted that indeed, SAMA Awards and other national and international events were needed to stimulate tourism, the creative & culture industry and other sectors of the economy.

In view of their admission, we wish to confirm R5 billion was injected into the provincial  economy through the hosting of national and international events. This is after the KZN Convention Bureau under Tourism KwaZulu-Natal had successfully put forward bids to host such events.

SAMA Awards will generate more than R350 million into the local economy and create jobs for the unemployed people.

In addition, DA leaders indirectly admitted that the R28 million which they peddled in the media was just part of a campaign of disinformation aimed at sowing confusion.

Despite today’s disappointment, our position has not changed. We will continue to work with elected public representatives as they represent the aspirations of the people.

However, we will be firm in shielding workers who are serving the people of KwaZulu-Natal with honesty and integrity from individuals whose mission is to create a perception of a state of paralysis.

We reiterate our view that as we are heading to the elections, theatrics are going to be commonplace. We stated that the writers of the DA statement were hired amateurs who lived in an imaginary world, not in KZN.

As we indicated, in August, the Auditor-General of SA presented the department with a Clean Audit Outcome Report for the financial year 2022/23. About nine of their entities also received clean audits.

This report is a source of encouragement as we work harder to convert the province’s undoubted economic development potential for the benefit of the people. By and large, the latest AG report was a tribute to all categories of staff in the department and its entities for their unwavering efforts to use public funds wisely – create jobs and lift people out of abject poverty.

We value the support from MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs Siboniso Duma and senior management from the department and all entities.

All categories of staff in the department and our entities will continue to subject themselves to the guidance of provincial treasury, members of the executive council, members of parliament, other leaders of society and the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

Where there are shortcomings, we will be the first to admit.

Critically, we will serve with integrity, honesty and hard work remains a permanent feature of our work.

Finally, we will strengthen our good working relations with Chapter Nine Institutions such as the Auditor General, Public Protector and SA Human Rights Commission.


Issued by the Office of the Leader of Government Business $ MEC for Economic Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs, Siboniso Duma