Democratic Alliance Demands Urgent Action on Delayed Remote Working Visa Implementation

20th July 2023

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has once again failed to meet its own deadline for finalising the implementation of the much-awaited remote working visa by the end of June 2023. This commitment was made to the Western Cape Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities, and Tourism on 3 May 2023.

While we appreciate Minister Aaron Motsoaledi's update on the remote working visa received on 14 July 2023, we find it wholly unacceptable that the visa remains unimplemented. Despite raising concerns about the feasibility of the June deadline and receiving assurances from DHA officials, the deadline was not met.

Furthermore, we have invited Minister Motsoaledi and the Department of Home Affairs back to the Standing Committee to account for the persistent delays and provide a comprehensive briefing on the status of the remote working visa. This crucial meeting is scheduled for Friday, 4 August 2023.

Although there is no official confirmation yet, we have also extended an invitation to Minister Patricia de Lille and the Department of Tourism to attend the same meeting. Their presence is vital as they outline their plans to promote the remote working visa once it is fully implemented.

The remote working visa has the potential to be a catalyst for economic growth and job creation, with remote workers boosting our local businesses by spending their foreign income on goods and services. It is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.

Tourism is a significant source of employment in the Western Cape, and we, the Democratic Alliance, are committed to utilising every available parliamentary resource to ensure that this pathway to economic growth and job creation is fully utilised.

Together, we demand transparency, accountability, and swift action in unlocking the economic potential of the remote working visa for our province and country.


Issued by Cayla Murray, MPP - DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism