Daily Podcast – May 23, 2024

23rd May 2024 By: Halima Frost - Senior Writer

Daily Podcast – May 23, 2024

For Creamer Media in Johannesburg, I’m Halima Frost.

Making headlines: Boosted by Gaza war, South African Muslim party open to deal with ANC; DA vows to offer workable solutions to poverty, job creation; And, Biden and Kenya's Ruto to announce new investments as they seek deeper ties


Boosted by Gaza war, South African Muslim party open to deal with ANC

South Africa's small Muslim political party Al Jama-ah is gaining support owing to the conflict in Gaza and sees itself as a potential coalition partner for the African National Congress after next week's vote, its leader said.

Solidarity with the Palestinians is a popular position in South Africa, where many people liken their treatment by Israel to the plight of its own black majority during apartheid - a comparison strongly rejected by Israel.

South Africa has also taken Israel to the World Court on accusations of genocide, which Israel denies.

Polls suggest that the ANC, which has governed South Africa since the end of apartheid in 1994, could lose its parliamentary majority for the first time in the election on May 29, forcing it into coalition with one or more parties to stay in power.

Al Jama-ah leader and sole MP Ganief Hendricks said the ANC can count on Al Jama-ah.

Hendricks said the ANC had already approached Al Jama-ah for support, although the ANC says publicly it expects to win the election outright and is not planning to form a coalition.



DA vows to offer workable solutions to poverty, job creation

Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Finance Dr Dion George noted on Thursday that while the African National Congress government obscures the true extent of the economic hardship South Africans face, the DA’s Misery Index statistical tool cuts through the confusion.

George was briefing the media on the new index tracking the ANC’s economic failures, which he said debunked what the ANC had said in its election manifesto about “30 glorious years” since the party came to power, with ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa boasting about economic growth on the campaign trail.

He explained that through its Misery Index, the DA vowed to deliver a “workable” alternative to the economic hardship South Africans faced. The DA said it had solutions needed to lift six-million people out of poverty and create two-million jobs.

The DA has expanded on the original Misery Index, that tracks economic distress, to reflect the challenges of the country’s economy, while also providing a clear and visual representation of the economic pain felt by millions.

George said the Misery Index offered a tangible and easily understood gauge of the distress caused by the ANC government.



And, Biden and Kenya's Ruto to announce new investments as they seek deeper ties

US President Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto will announce investments in green energy and health manufacturing in the East African nation and a plan to reduce its debt burden, a senior US administration official said.

Ruto arrived in the US yesterday as part of a three-day State visit that includes bilateral talks with Biden today followed by a lavish State dinner in the evening. Ruto's trip is the sixth State visit hosted by the Biden administration, and the first for an African President since 2008.

Africa's political landscape has been upended in the past year by a spate of military coups, wars and shaky elections that have given US rivals China and Russia greater influence. Biden hopes strengthening ties with Kenya can help stabilise the continent and advance US interests.

Today, Biden will designate Kenya as a major non-NATO ally, making it the first sub-Saharan African country to receive the designation, a senior US administration official said. Currently, 18 countries are designated as non-NATO allies, including Israel, Brazil and the Philippines.


That’s a roundup of news making headlines today

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