Daily Podcast – March 03, 2023

3rd March 2023 By: Lumkile Nkomfe - Creamer Media Reporter

Daily Podcast – March 03, 2023

Former Public Protector Advocate Thuli Madonsela
Photo by: Reuters

For Creamer Media in Johannesburg, I’m Lumkile Nkomfe.

Making headlines: Ramaphosa postpones Cabinet reshuffle due to ill health, Madonsela will testify on Monday after Mkhwebane inquiry changes decision and, ActionSA to identify councillors who may have broken ranks in Tshwane


Ramaphosa postpones Cabinet reshuffle due to ill health

President Cyril Ramaphosa postponed announcing changes to his executive due to ill health. 

It is understood that he was meant to meet with ANC officials at midday yesterday to finalise new appointments to his Cabinet, but the meeting was called off at the eleventh hour. 

Two insiders who were close to discussions said that ANC officials were told by ANC SG Fikile Mbalula  that Ramaphosa had a cold and that the talks had been indefinitely called off. 

Ramaphosa is said to have been unwell since Monday, when he hosted Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni


Madonsela will testify on Monday after Mkhwebane inquiry changes decision

The Section 194 committee inquiring into suspended Public Protector Busisiwe Mkwhebane's fitness for office has backtracked on its decision that her predecessor would not appear before it.

Thuli Madonsela will now give evidence on Monday and Tuesday after the committee previously resolved to summon her.

She decided to appear voluntarily, but not to consult with Mkhwebane's legal team or let them help her draw up her affidavit.


ActionSA to identify councillors who may have broken ranks in Tshwane

ActionSA has resolved to initiate a process to ascertain whether any of its councillors in Tshwane may have deviated from the decisions of the party’s caucus to support the Democratic Alliance's Cilliers Brink’s mayoral bid.

The party asserted that its members need to take accountability when they don’t abide by its values.

Tshwane councillors voted to install Congress of the People's Murunwa Makwarela as mayor. He received 112 votes by secret ballot, while Brink, as the DA’s nominated candidate, received 101 votes.

While Cope is a coalition partner with the DA, Makwarela was nominated by the African Transformation Movement.


That’s a roundup of news making headlines today

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