Daily podcast - September 30, 2014

30th September 2014 By: Samantha Herbst - Creamer Media Deputy Editor

Daily podcast - September 30, 2014

Photo by: Bloomberg

September 30, 2014.
For Creamer Media in Johannesburg, I'm Samantha Moolman.
Making headlines:

The IMF says it will help Zimbabwe produce a debt repayment plan.

Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane labelled Gauteng’s water issue a 'technical glitch'.

And, the US military quickly ramp up Ebola missions in Liberia.

The International Monetary Fund (or IMF) said on Monday it would work with Zimbabwe to produce a debt repayment plan that would help Harare qualify for international loans.

In a statement at the end of a two-week IMF mission to Zimbabwe, the head of the IMF office in Harare, Domenico Fanizza, said the IMF and Zimbabwe had also agreed to slash a wage bill gobbling up about 80% of the government budget and review a policy of forcing foreign-owned firms to sell majority stakes to locals.

"The mission welcomes Zimbabwe's decision to start working with the international financial institutions and the IMF to prepare a plan for clearing the outstanding arrears as a step toward resolving the country's debt challenge," Fanizza said.

Water supply problems in Gauteng were due to a technical glitch and not Rand Water's fault, Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane said on Monday.

Even though the fault does not lie with Rand Water, she said government and the water utility had taken collective responsibility. Mokonyane labelled what happened in Gauteng a “technical glitch”.

She denied claims that the province had a water crisis, calling on experts to explain the problem.

This was the first time Rand Water had experienced such a problem. Mokonyane said although correcting the problem took time, it was a reasonable delay, and the situation was far better than it was three or four days ago.

She has urged all municipalities in Gauteng to draw up a ten-year water plan.

The US plans to quickly increase its presence in Liberia, where military personnel are deploying to help the West African nation halt the advance of the worst Ebola epidemic on record.

Washington is sending some 3 000 soldiers to the region to build treatment centres and train local medics. Around half will be based in Liberia, with the rest providing logistical support outside the country.

Major General Darryl Williams said the US mission was planning to build and supply 17 Ebola treatment units across the country but added that Liberian authorities would still be leading the effort.

Also making headlines:

Stats SA’s latest Quarterly Employment Statistics survey has revealed that the number of people employed in the formal, non-agricultural sector of the South African economy increased by about 1.8% from March to an estimated 8.67-million employees in June.

Former Cabinet Minister Trevor Manuel, who retired from public office earlier this year after having served in Cabinet for 20 years, has joined financial advisory group Rothschild as senior adviser and deputy chairperson of Rothschild in South Africa.

And, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission says it is encouraged with the response to its new look and online transaction website, which was launched on 17 September.

Also on Polity:

Be sure to read the latest opinions by Brandon Hamber, the Institute for Security Studies and Consultancy Africa Intelligence, all on the Opinion page.

Don’t forget to follow Polity on Twitter [@PolityZA]

That’s a roundup of news making headlines today.