DA will monitor implementation of Makgoe funeral PP report recommendations

3rd July 2024

DA will monitor implementation of Makgoe funeral PP report recommendations

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Free State welcomes the comprehensive Public Protector (PP) report into the funeral costs of former MEC for Education in the Free State, Mr Tate Makgoe, and his protector, Mr Mdi. The DA will monitor the PP’s recommendations and ensure that they are implemented by the individuals mentioned that include the President, Free State Premier and Director General of the Free State.

The report supports the DA’s views that the R5 661 260,00 spent on the funeral costs of an MEC and his protector are excessive. The report also highlights the following:

The appointment of the service provider was not in accordance with specifications that resulted in additional costs of R1 840 920,00. This amount was added by the service provider and approved by the Free State Office of the Premier.

That the officials involved abdicated their duties and were conflicted by being part of the Demand and Acquisition Unit and Bid Adjudication Committee which implies that they adjudicated their own recommendations.

Spending R5,9 million on a funeral is not the intention of the state funeral policy. Reasonable costs of such events include a coffin, the funeral undertaker and limited costs for catering for family and state/official guests.

 The DA will monitor the recommended remedial action that includes the following:

Within 120 days include actual costs of state funerals into the Funeral Policy by the President and Director-General of National Treasury to avoid excesses.

Within 90 days the Premier must ensure that disciplinary action is taken against the Director-General of the Free State and report on this within 30 days.

Within 60 days the Director-General must institute disciplinary action against the four officials involved in the appointment of the service provider.

The Directorate of Priority Crimes Investigation (Hawks) consider the report for possible criminal proceedings against the individuals involved.

The DA will continue to be an effective opposition in the Free State to ensure accountability and that residents get value for money from government expenditure. Where officials and politicians transgress the law, the DA will hold them accountable.


Issued by Roy Jankielsohn - Leader of the Official Opposition in the Free State Legislature