DA welcomes investigation into senior manager for unlawful use of municipal vehicle involved in accident

28th October 2022

The DA in Endumeni Local Municipality welcomes the investigation into Electricity Department Manager, Mr.Nathi Khoza for allegedly using a municipal truck that was involved in an accident.

According to a reliable source, there was Mr. Khoza’s signature for the use of the truck but he did not fill in his full details on the morning of the accident. Later that day the truck was found overturned on the Dundee Glencoe Road. Mr. Khoza allegedly fled the scene and a private electricity contractor who was also in the truck was then rushed to hospital.

The DA wrote to the Acting Municipal Manager, Mr. Sithembiso Ntombela and the Mayor, Councillor Siyabonga Ndlovu to request an investigation of the following:

1. Reason for Mr.Khoza to book the truck?
2. Intended use of the truck
3. Whether or not the supervisor knew about the truck
4. Why Mr.Khoza fled the scene

The Mayor, has informed the DA that an investigation into the matter has been launched. We welcome this swift action and are calling on the report to be submitted to the Executive Committee for deliberation.

This is not Mr. Khoza’s first accident. Last year a cherry picker that he had signed for turned over in Vryheid, Paulpietersburg road and no action was taken against him even though this was outside the municipality’s jurisdiction.

It is important to note that with the loss of this truck, service delivery will be greatly impacted as this was the only truck for special functionality in the electrical department.

We cannot have municipal employees use municipal resources as they please at the cost of service delivery and ratepayers monies. Should Mr.Khoza be found guilty, he should foot the bill for the mentioned vehicles and be fired from his position.

As the DA we will continue holding the municipality accountable to ensure residents get reliable service delivery.


Issued by Councillor Mohamed Saleem Abdool - DA Endumeni Councillor