DA warns of Magareng clay road threat

30th September 2022

The DA has issued a letter of concern to the Frances Baard District Municipality regarding  the re-grading of a prominent gravel road in Magareng with clay and specifically the danger this poses during the rainy season.

An oversight inspection in July, of the gravel road leading from the N12 to Kimberley to the R374 Windsorton Road, highlighted the poor state of gravel roads in the area which had become uneven, with thick undriveable patches, and pools of water where it had rained. During a subsequent oversight inspection in August, it was found that the specific road in question had in fact been graded, making it drivable.

A fundamental problem, however, is that the road was not regraded with standard material fit for a gravel road defeating the long-term sustainability of this project. As soon as rains come, the road is going to be transformed into a slippery and treacherous mess, making it unsafe and undriveable once again.

The road in question is just one example of poor quality road management in the Magareng area, which causes unnecessary and excessive wear and tear to all vehicles that use this road.

To add insult to injury, only one grader is available to maintain all the gravel roads in the area, making it impossible to sustain the driveability of these roads.

The questionable use of clay by the responsible contractor, needs to be probed. I will refer the matter to the DA representatives in the legislature to take investigate. It cannot be that money is paid for contracts when there is non-compliance to required standards of work.

I will also submit a letter to Magareng municipality and the Department of Roads and Public Works, asking that they engage in respect of how they can together tackle Magareng’s neglected gravel roads by implementing a proper assessment, followed by sound planning to repair, resurface and maintain all gravel roads on a sustainable basis with a proper maintenance plan in place.

Roads are the lifeblood of the economy and offer access to services and they must be cared for and preserved.


Issued by Willem Potgieter, Cllr - Magareng Municipaity