DA to present Alternative Budget

18th February 2022

On Monday, 21 February 2022, at 11:00, the DA Shadow Minister of Finance, Dr Dion George MP, will present the Party’s budget proposals and expectations ahead of Minister Enoch Godongwana’s maiden Budget Speech.

This year, the DA’s Alternative Budget will focus on creating jobs, accelerating growth and fighting poverty.

Dr George will be joined by the DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Finance and Member of the Appropriations Committee, Ashor Sarupen MP.

The press briefing will be in-person at the DA Federal Head Office in Cape Town. Members of the press who are interested in covering the briefing are encouraged to contact Debreé Kluge at 072 034 4970 or Bongisa Mhaga at 061 109 2590, as seating will be limited due to Covid-restrictions.

Details of the briefing are as follows:

Date: Monday, 21 February 2022

Time: 11:00

Venue: 1st Floor, DA Federal Head Office

Address: 16 Mill Street, Gardens, Cape Town