DA: Stevens Mokgalapa says Committee Chair shields Nkoana-Mashabane during rare appearance in Parliament

11th October 2017

DA: Stevens Mokgalapa says Committee Chair shields Nkoana-Mashabane during rare appearance in Parliament

International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane

Yesterday afternoon, during a meeting of the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation, I was thrown out after noting that Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane had been hiding from accountability for the past year.

The rarely-seen Minister was presenting herself to the committee for the first time since March 2016, and after failing to answer oral questions in Parliament since 2014.

Instead of taking Nkoana-Mashabane to task for her chronic absenteeism, the committee chairperson, Moses Masango, chose to shield her from accountability by ejecting me for pointing it out. In doing so, Nkoana-Mashabane was not asked to account for a host of issues identified in her department’s annual report, including:

This is not the first time that an ANC chairperson has tried to intimidate DA MPs in an effort to shield errant members of the Executive. The DA will not allow this incident to deter us from holding dodging Ministers to account.


Issued by DA