DA: Statement by Ian Ollis, DA Shadow Minister of Transport, on R3.3-billion irregular expenditure in Sanral Annual Report (12/09/2013)

12th September 2013 By: Motshabi Hoaeane

South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) recorded R3.3 billion irregular expenditure for the 2012/13 financial year, the entity’s Annual Report tabled in Parliament today, has revealed.

This is in addition to R2.09 billion irregular expenditure incurred during the 2011/12 financial year.

Details of the irregular expenditure in 2012/13 include:

Sanral has repeatedly demonstrated that it views itself above the public by forcing e-tolling in Gauteng despite widespread opposition. The entity has now demonstrated that it also believes that it does not have to adhere to financial mismanagement policies and legislation.

Sanral is not above the law and should be held accountable.

The DA will request that the Portfolio Committee Chairperson, Ruth Bhengu, summon Sanral’s Board Chairperson, Tembakazi Mnyaka, Sanral CEO, Nazir Alli, and Transport Minister, Dipuo Peters, to Parliament to explain this lack of financial and legal compliance. Any wrongdoing must be punished.

Good governance requires every step in awarding every contract to follow the letter of the law. Sanral should be no exception.