DA: Solly Msimanga, Address by DA Gauteng Provincial Leader, welcoming back Faizel Jaffer to the party, Eldorado Park (11/10/22)

11th October 2022

Today we are gathered here in Eldorado Park to welcome back a son of the Democratic Alliance.

Mr Faizel Jaffer, we are happy to welcome you back to the DA where you rightly belong.

All relevant structures have accepted your request to be reinstated as a member of the DA and welcomed you back home - the Federal Executive of the Democratic Alliance, the DA Gauteng Provincial and Johannesburg Regional Leadership.

Great to have you back on the blue team!

Thank you for realising that the only party that can deliver on its promises is the Democratic Alliance. It is the DA that gets service delivery done and truly cares about the future of our town, cities, provinces and country.

We are indeed very pleased.

We do not need to dwell in the past, that is behind us now, and we confidently move forward knowing that with you in our midst, we can continue the repair and rebuild of Eldorado Park.

We know that you will add value and energy to the Democratic Alliance in this Ward.

*More and more people are choosing the Democratic Alliance as their political home because where we govern uninterruptedly we deliver! And we believe in corruption-free governance.

The voters of Eldorado Park have every right to be angry, that despite their rejecting the ANC, the PA has handed Joburg back to the same organisation that wants nothing to do with Eldorado Park. The voters of Eldorado Park also have every right to be angry with the PA for using this community and its needs as a stepping stone to get elected into public office, only to forget about its constituents. And when the coloured communities of Johannesburg ask Mr Gayton Mackenzie why he has betrayed them, his only response is: “Julle is getoor”.

The ANC has neglected and ran Eldorado Park to the ground during the past 28 years, and now the PA has joined hands with those very same people to continue this neglect.

Now the PA has traded your votes for seats on the corrupt ANC’s Mayoral Committee.

The residents of Eldorado Park are not for sale.

You deserve a party that is principled, honest, and a party that keeps its promises.

The only party that has done that in this coalition, is the Democratic Alliance.

This is why I have come back here today with Mr Jaffer. Because while the Patriotic Alliance has been dealing in corrupt activities behind closed doors, the Democratic Alliance has not forgotten about you.

We want to assure residents that the DA is not done in Johannesburg, and we will continue to fight the forces that put their own greedy agendas ahead of the needs of our residents.

Treachery will not stand. Deception will not hold.

We are grateful to our coalition partners who remained loyal, not to us but to the coalition agreement, all through this time, and who honoured and accepted as binding the written agreement we all signed.

We call on the residents of Eldorado Park to work with the DA in the repair and rebuild of this beautiful township as we find solutions for the poverty, unemployment and social ills surrounding us.

Hou by die blou Eldorado Park!