DA requests to participate in State capture inquiry

1st February 2018 By: African News Agency

DA requests to participate in State capture inquiry

The opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) on Thursday said it has written to the Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, to formally request that he grant it permission to participate and be legally represented at the commission of inquiry into allegations of State capture.

"The DA has made this request on the basis that we have a direct interest in the proceedings of the Commission, as one of three complainants to the Public Protector on the matter of State capture in 2016. The Public Protector’s subsequent State of capture report was born from a complaint we laid," said James Selfe, MP and DA Federal Council Chairperson.

"The Deputy Chief Justice and his team have a mammoth task ahead of them as they begin the long overdue process of investigating the allegations of State Capture against President Jacob Zuma, the Guptas and their associates."

Selfe said the DA is of the belief that "we can make valuable contributions to the Commission, as we can share valuable evidence and shed more light on the extent of corruption within the ANC [African National Congress] government".

He added: "We are aware and respect that there are major logistical and administrative considerations that come with a commission of this magnitude. We trust that the deputy chief justice will consider our request and we await his favourable response thereto."