DA pressure leads to the eradication of asbestos infrastructure at Randfontein Secondary School

13th December 2022

The Democratic Alliance’s (DA) exerted pressure has successfully forced the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) to finally prioritise the replacement of asbestos infrastructure to brick-and-mortar structure at Randfontein Secondary School.

We are pleased that the department has initiated a rehabilitation process at a budget of R112 175 165 for Randfontein Secondary School following the DA’s oversight inspection at the school a month ago.

This information was revealed by the Gauteng MEC for Education, Matome Chiloane, in a written reply to the DA’s questions tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL).

According to MEC Chiloane, the rehabilitation project is currently at a concept stage. However, in the meantime, a contractor was appointed to eradicate the asbestos infrastructure and the work done is at 13% progress.

The MEC also confirmed that the contractor will amongst other things fix the broken toilets, replace broken ceilings in the classrooms, replace the staircase and replace the asbestos infrastructure with a brick-and-mortar structure.

Six years ago, shoddy renovations were done at the school, instead of replacing this school with a brick-and-mortar structure, the department contracted a service provider to construct a wall to cover the asbestos material. This wasteful exercise cost taxpayers R300 302,45 whilst the problem was not fixed.

The wall has since cracked, and the bricks are starting to fall off which poses a danger for both learners and teachers.

Randfontein Secondary School is one of the 22 asbestos schools where learners and teachers have for years been exposed to an unsafe and unhealthy environment.

The DA will monitor the process of eradication of the asbestos infrastructure at Randfontein Secondary School to ensure that there is no shoddy workmanship. We will also continue conducting several oversight inspections at the school to ascertain the progress and ensure that the project is completed within the stipulated timeframe and within budget.

We will also continue to fight to ensure that all asbestos schools across the province are replaced with a brick-and-mortar structures.


Issued by by Khume Ramulifho MPL - DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education