DA: Nqaba Bhanga says UDM fails to act against Bobani despite 8 months of co-governance infractions

1st September 2017

DA: Nqaba Bhanga says UDM fails to act against Bobani despite 8 months of co-governance infractions

Nelson Mandela Bay Mayor Athol Trollip

In 16 separate letters, spanning over 48 pages, Nelson Mandela Bay Executive Mayor, Cllr Athol Trollip comprehensively details the erratic and suspect behavior of Cllr Bobani.

With the first letter written on 25 January 2017, United Democratic Movement (UDM) President Bantu Holomisa has received every piece of correspondence since then, along with substantiating evidence. Despite these sincere and measured requests, the UDM President has failed to act.

From refusing to remove official vehicle blue lights, voting repeatedly against the DA-led coalition, meeting with suspended officials accused of corruption, interfering in senior management appointments, requesting officials to make irregular payments, as well as arranging protests against the coalition government, Cllr Bobani turned his back on the people of Nelson Mandela Bay a long time ago.

Worse still, this behavior has been endorsed by Bantu Holomisa through his refusal to take any action. It is inexplicable that Bobani has been protected, despite this very concerning behaviour and evidence in this regard.

The priority of this the DA-led NMB coalition government is to improve service delivery, stop corruption and grow the economy to create jobs. Anyone standing in the way of this effort rejects the very mandate entrusted to the metro to effect change. People like this must be removed, just like the corrupt ANC was removed at last year’s election.

Council’s resolution to remove Cllr Bobani from the position of Deputy Executive Mayor is in the interest of taking Nelson Mandela Bay forward. This will be defended in court.

These difficult decisions are taken by Leaders who consistently choose to put residents first.

DA-led governments remain committed in delivering clean and honest governance, whether or not we are in coalition.

We will continue to put the interests of the people first, and make sure their government works hard to realise a better life for all.


Issued by DA