DA: Mmusi Maimane says DA to seek judicial review of Ramaphosa’s appointment of Fraser

20th April 2018

DA: Mmusi Maimane says DA to seek judicial review of Ramaphosa’s appointment of Fraser

Two days ago I put President Ramaphosa on terms regarding his appointment of the former Director-General of the State Security Agency (SSA), Arthur Fraser, as National Commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services. I requested information from President Ramaphosa about the procedure followed in appointing Fraser as the National Commissioner, when the decision was made, whether Fraser’s alleged unlawful conduct at the SSA was factored into his new appointment and why Fraser was appointed to a portfolio that he has no experience in.

The deadline for response was 16h00 yesterday. The President failed to meet the deadline and has yet to respond.

In light of the President’s failure to reply, the DA will challenge the lawfulness of Fraser’s appointment – particularly whether it was procedurally and substantively rational in light of Fraser’s track record. Fraser’s co-ordination of a parallel intelligence network should have been reason to fire him, and not rehire him in a different capacity.

Cyril Ramaphosa’s “New Dawn” can’t merely offer an easy way out for compromised individuals like Arthur Fraser. We cannot allow the ANC's long-standing practice of reshuffling compromised individuals within government departments to continue. They must be fired, not rehired in different capacities.


Issued by DA