DA KZN determined to get answers over axing of former EDTEA HOD

4th October 2023

DA KZN determined to get answers over axing of former EDTEA HOD

The DA will write to Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) MEC Siboniso Duma as a first step in uncovering the truth over the axing of former departmental HOD Nhlakanipho Nkontwana.

While DA investigations into the matter are at an early stage, it would appear Mr Nkontwana has referred his matter to the Public Service Commission for investigation. This comes in the wake of allegations that his performance scores were altered in a bid to oust him.

Insiders have spoken of Nkontwana being left "in the wilderness" in government while newly appointed HOD Dr Thandeka Ellenson leads the critically important department.

The DA remains extremely concerned at the shuffling of key administrative figures, without the portfolio committee being briefed by either MEC Duma or the Office of the Premier.

This is now the second instance of significant changes being sprung on the committee with zero consultation. This after the entire Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) Board was sent packing several years ago.

More concerning are the yet untested allegations that there was manipulation of Nkontwana’s performance scores in the first instance. Whereas the PSC investigation may find in his favour - the DA believes the breakdown of trust between the feuding parties could severely hamper EDTEA operations.

This latest debacle again demonstrates the spaza shop operations of this ANC-run government – one that considers the public sector its own private fiefdom.

This can only change at the ballot box in 2024, where voters have an opportunity to rescue our province and install a stable and responsible government.


Issued by Heinz de Boer, MPL - DA KZN Spokesperson on EDTEA