DA: John Moodey says DA-led cities crack down on corruption

19th September 2017

DA: John Moodey says DA-led cities crack down on corruption

The DA-led administrations in Joburg and Tshwane have caught more than 100 corrupt officials in the fight against corruption because there is no space for corruption where the DA governs.

In just one year, we are seeing a new beginning, a total change to the corrupt system that was built to feed the ANC under previous administrations.  

In the City of Johannesburg, a newly established corruption busting unit has recorded over 2000 cases of corruption involving more than R14.4 billion. This has seen 451 officials linked to corruption being arrested, another 100 suspended and seven voluntarily resigning. More officials are being investigated over allegations of bribery and other corrupt practices.

The City of Tshwane has equally stepped up the fight against corruption in the past year by introducing transparent public disclosure of tender processes. Corruption took place behind closed doors and many contracts were handed to cronies during the ANC administration. Many suspicious and dodgy contracts worth billions are being cancelled legally and criminal charges have been laid against those who allegedly involved in corruption.

Databases of indigent residents have also been cleaned up, removing the names of hundreds of city and government officials who were benefitting improperly from services that were meant to go to the poor.

The DA will not allow corrupt officials to eat the money that was meant for the poor.

It will take hard work but the DA is determined to stop the corruption that took hold while the ANC was in power. The ANC are angry and want to table a motion of no confidence in the Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba because he is bringing about a new beginning and an end to ANC-corruption.


Issued by DA