DA: Joe McGluwa on NW MONC: ANC-EFF romance is costing the people

17th April 2018

DA: Joe McGluwa on NW MONC: ANC-EFF romance is costing the people

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in North West will write to the Speaker of the North West Provincial Legislature, Susan Dantje, demanding reasons why the Motion of No Confidence in disgraced Premier Supra Mahumapelo scheduled for this morning, was postponed late last night. See SMS from Speakers office here.

While pending litigation, around a secret ballot, has been advanced by the EFF, we cannot help but speculate that through the ANC-EFF romance, a deal has been struck, in order to buy the ANC time to deal with the matter. All while the people, especially the poor, of the North West continue to be oppressed by high levels of poverty, a lack of service delivery and rampant corruption.

The EFF tabled this motion more than a month ago and then abruptly postponed.

Should the EFF not have the courage to reinstate the motion to get rid of Premier Supra Mahumapelo, we will not hesitate to table a fresh motion of no confidence.

The people of the North West simply deserve better than the Gupta-Premier of Empty Promises as he is central to the province’s scandals and corruption allegations.

The removal of Premier Supra Mahumapelo will not fix what has been broken but it is a step in the right direction.

What the North West needs is Total Change under a DA-led government, which creates job opportunities, stops corruption, builds clinics and schools that work and ensures our people, especially the poor, receive quality services.


Issued by DA