DA: James Selfe on Spy Tapes: DA requests copy of Zuma’s submission

31st January 2018

DA: James Selfe on Spy Tapes: DA requests copy of Zuma’s submission

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma
Photo by: Duane

The DA has today written to the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Shaun Abrahams, to request that he provide us with a copy of the submission by President Jacob Zuma as to why he should not be prosecuted for the 783 charges of corruption, fraud, money-laundering and racketeering charges against him.

The DA is entitled to Zuma’s full submission as the main litigant in this case, which has dragged on for almost a decade and cost ordinary South Africans an estimated R30 million or more in legal fees.

Zuma has been given until the close of business today to submit his representations. The DA will engage thoroughly with the contents and continue to ensure that Zuma has his day in court, like any other citizen faced with the same charges would.

In October last year, the Supreme Court of Appeal rejected Zuma’s appeal of the 2016 North Gauteng High Court ruling that set aside the decision to drop these charges because it was borne from undue political considerations and, therefore, irrational.

For too long Zuma has evaded his day in court. Any other citizen would have had to answer to such charges in court, yet Zuma has been given special treatment and been allowed to make fresh representations on the same charges he faced in 2009.

The process now is straightforward. Abrahams must set a trial date and Zuma must have his day in court.


Issued by DA